
ACPP Affiliate

ACPP Affiliate membership is open to anyone who supports the mission of ACPP and has an interest in the intersection of spirituality and clinical psychotherapy. Annual Dues are $100 for ACPP Affiliates. 

ACPP Associate

ACPP Associates possess a Bachelor’s Degree and are in pursuit of graduate level education in a field related to spirituality or psychotherapy. Annual Dues are $125 for ACPP Associates.

ACPP Fellow

ACPP Fellows possess a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in a spirituality or psychotherapy related field. Annual Dues are $200 for ACPP Fellows.

ACPP Diplomate

ACPP Diplomates possess a Master’s or Doctorate Degree and have completed the requirements to become a Certified Clinical Pastoral Psychotherapist (CCPP).

Board Certified Clinical Pastoral Psychotherapist (CCPP) Standards

1. Be a member in good standing of ACPP (fees, dues)

2. Master’s Degree or Doctoral Degree in related field (diploma or transcript on file)

3. Resume’ and/or Curriculum Vitae

4. 2 CPP Verbatims / Case Conferences

5. Demonstrate / Articulate / Indicate Mastery of Organization Standards-Objectives-Competencies (written paper)

6. Autobiographical Statement Demonstrating: Spiritual Journey, Self-Awareness, Self-Reflection, Integrative
Understanding of Psycho-Dynamic and Spiritual Development.
(written paper)

7. Four Units of Clinical Pastoral Education

8. 200 hour CPP specific cohort experiential fellowship/residency/internship (hours must be completed post-CPE)

9. Denominational Endorsement (if necessary from your particular denomination)

10. Successfully interview with certification panel. Panel will either approve CCPP status or give you recommendations to return to the committee.


Annual Dues are $250 for Diplomates. Diplomates are bestowed the board certification letters of CCPP.


ACPP Institution

ACPP Institutions is open to institutions that support the mission of ACPP. ACPP Institutions pay an annual fee of $200. Members of ACPP institutions receive a discount off their annual dues.