Mind-Body Healing and Stress Reduction with Jon Seskevich, Retired RN

https://youtu.be/IOtBJj3PDK8 Jon Seskevich, Retired RN, is a pioneer in holistic healing, mind-body stress management, and palliative care. Jon's extensive career includes over 30 years experience as a nurse clinician at Duke University Hospital, where he conducted over 40,000 patient consults, and completed NIH funded research on the mind-body connection (see a 2002 new report on …

$10.00 – $100.00

“The Spiritual Companion and Liminal Leadership, a workshop with Tim Carson, PhD

In this three-hour workshop Tim Carson will explore liminality, assessment through the liminal lens, the role of the liminal guide, applications for care-giving, the impacts and healing of extreme liminalities, spiritual direction in liminal zones, and companioning in the last liminal chapter of life. The text for the workshop is Leaning into the Liminal: A Guide for …

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